Sunday, November 1, 2009


I am greatly pleased to announce that my long ordeal is almost at an end! I am making the switch to Macs!! Today I am going to order a new MacBook Air so that I can integrate my technowhatnots with the Apple stuff that my wife already has up and running. My expectation is that not only will I be writing more, but that also it should make the updates themselves more interesting as it should be easier for me to add pictures again to the site. I have been hesitant to do much while using my wife's computer as I did not want to cause and clutter with dorky photos and sci-fi art, so that will be taken care of once I again have a functional computer of my own on which to work.

I've been buying IBM/PC products for the extent of my computing life and have always been let down and disappointed by them. Not once have I ever felt comfortable with them or thought that I was in control and knew what I was doing. They must not function on the same logic as me because everything seems counterintuitive. Oh well, I'm through with them and good riddance to their nonsense. I've always appreciated PCs for their merits with regards to gaming, but I haven't been into computer games for years. It will be nice to be able to work on projects without everything constantly crashing.

Finally I also will be purchasing a new iPhone to replace my annoying Samsung Glide to complete the change in my technological allegiance. I picked out the phone because I wanted the little keyboard for texting but have since become horribly dissatisfied with it. To top it off, it was even more expensive than the iPhone when I bought it last year. So I'm doing what I should have probably done a year ago, and as an added bonus this means I will get to tell Verizon to bugger off as well. Not only did they provide me with crappy service, they did so at approximately three times the rate which I'll be paying for AT&T to be my carrier. Adios jerks, and thanks for nothing!

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