Saturday, October 23, 2010

Last Call and Some Links

Just one more reminder about my contest to win some MkIII Iron Armour marines. I'm setting a deadline for entry on October 24th at 9:00pm EST so click here for the details if you are interested and haven't already entered, there's less than a day left to do so. I will then post the winners of the contest one hour later at 10:00pm EST. Good luck!

If you're still in the clicking mood, Rich of the Ineptus Mechanicus blog is asking for people to vote on how he should arm his chaotic squad of Grey Hunters. He's recently returned to the game after a significant time away from it and so I'm sure any advice from the 28mm Generals out there would be appreciated. There's about two days left to vote on the poll question.

Alright, that's it for now. I've studied the AdeptiCon 2011 schedule and have a pretty good idea what my weekend in Lombard will entail. More importantly is that I now have 160 days to get everything prepared and finished. You know what that means... more projects! I'll go over what I have in mind once the contest is over.
